
How To Get Rid Of A Bruised Nail

What is a Bruised toenail?

Although most of the fourth dimension having a hobbling toenail is a minor thing just it can exist very painful and tender every bit the fluid and blood builds up in your toenail. It is likewise referred to as a subungual hematoma. Really information technology is not the toenail that gets bruised because a toenail is composed of dead tissues. Information technology is the skin that is underneath your toenail that becomes bruised.

Hobbling Toenail Symptoms

The symptoms of a bruised toenail tin include:

  • Discoloration to the area
  • Y'all may experience pain in the area that is affected that can run from a tedious ache to severe and acute.

Bruised Toenail Causes

When a person has a bruised toenail this means that you have injure your toe internally. In that location are many unlike reasons why a person would accept a bruised toenail, which can include:


This is a very common cause and can be from physical activities like playing soccer, downhill running, running, post-obit a very rigorous exercise programme you practice every mean solar day, etc.


This is too another common cause of having a bruised toenail. It could exist caused by banging your foot on a hard surface, or dropping something heavy on it. Ballet dancers are prone to bruised toenails because of the pointed human foot stance they have to use while dancing. Getting your toes stepped on could atomic number 82 to bruising your toenails.

Footwear that does non fit correct

This can include footwear that is too big or also small. Beingness too small can put a lot of force per unit area on your feet. Also shoes that are likewise pointy or narrow tin cause a bruised toenail.

Another cause is having toenails that are too long.


The all-time way to care for a bruised toenail is to discover means to forestall this from happening in the beginning identify. There are besides some home remedies you tin effort before y'all become see your regular physician or podiatrist. If the toenail is falling off or is severely blackened you should see your physician immediately so they tin can admission the injury properly. If there is an infection they can give you a prescription antibody. The doctor may even be able to cutting the loose toenail off to forbid it from accidentally being torn off. A podiatrist tin can too drain the blood from your nail bed manually by making a tiny hole in the middle of the bruised toenail and lightly squeeze the toe to become the fluid to drain out until the nail bed returns back to a normal colour.

Some of the ways that you lot can care for a bruised toenail can include:

  • When there is little to no pain the all-time treatment is to not engage in any activities that could crusade risk of further injury.
  • If information technology is possible cut the toenail equally short as y'all tin can without hurting yourself and so soak it in warm salt h2o to help ease the pain. Y'all tin so apply a topical antibiotic ointment and cover with a bandage. This tin help prevent any infection.
  • For the swelling and pain accept over-the-counter hurting relievers.
  • Wear toe pads or some type of cushioning pads in your shoes to help protect your bruised toenail and to help forestall it from happening again.
  • When running make sure that you are wearing a shoe that is one size larger than your regular shoes to give your toes a trivial more wiggle room to allow information technology heal and foreclose further bruised toenails.
  • Apply turmeric paste to the bruised toenail and it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial backdrop to help prevent infections and reduce swelling.
  • You tin can too soak your toe in warm soapy water one or two times each mean solar day to help relieve the tenderness, especially if the toenail has come off.
  • Regularly apply antibiotic ointments or creams.
  • For the outset few days you should elevate the toe to reduce the swelling under the nail and to help numb the pain. When you lot have it elevated employ an ice pack for ten minutes.

Hobbling Toenail Healing time

The exact corporeality of fourth dimension that it will take a hobbling toenail to heal will depend on how it became bruised and how severe the bruising is. In severe cases where the nail bed is bruised badly the toenail may fall off. If the bruised toenail does go loose and get-go to come off practise not try to remove information technology. Let it come off on its ain simply make sure that you are protecting that toe until it does come up off. Yous do non desire to accidentally tear it off and cause other problems. Although it may accept several months you lot will grow another toenail to replace the one that fell off. Just keep the area clean and protect the blast bed with some type of cast.

If the bruised toenail does non fall off correct away the bruising will heal on its ain but you have to requite plenty it plenty time to heal. Again protect the area. In fourth dimension a new toenail will abound into slowly replace the area of your bruised toenail.

Hobbling Toenail Pictures

Drove of Images, Photos and Pictures of Bruised Toenail…

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